iPhone 5 PRO Concept Phone: Although a lot of great concept products are thrown out by very talented designers on a regular basis, every now and then, we feature one that really rocks our socks, leaving us drooling and pining at the very same moment.
Well today, folks, we have a little treat in store. Remember when Steve Jobs proclaimed he had “cracked” the photography market? Well, designer Choi Jinyoung has taken that idea into consideration, and in turn created a fantastic concept product that would leave even the most upmarket models from Canon and Nikon quaking on their tripods.
This an interesting looking concept, but keep in mind that it is nothing more than just a theory of what a 4.5-inch device with a professional camera design might look like. Beyond rumor, we have no real evidence that Apple is playing a larger display iPhone. I strongly question the idea of Apple further fragmenting the iPhone line with multiple models at once. This just doesn’t sound like an Apple move, but I could certainly be wrong. Also, I’m sorry to say it, but that huge lenses just seems to look a bit awkward and weighty.
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